Reference-guided Controllable Inpainting of Neural Radiance Fields


The popularity of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) for view synthesis has led to a desire for NeRF editing tools. Here, we focus on inpainting regions in a view-consistent and controllable manner. In addition to the typical NeRF inputs and masks delineating the unwanted region in each view, we require only a single inpainted view of the scene, i.e., a reference view. We use monocular depth estima- tors to back-project the inpainted view to the correct 3D positions. Then, via a novel rendering technique, a bilat- eral solver can construct view-dependent effects in non- reference views, making the inpainted region appear consis- tent from any view. For non-reference disoccluded regions, which cannot be supervised by the single reference view, we devise a method based on image inpainters to guide both the geometry and appearance. Our approach shows superior performance to NeRF inpainting baselines, with the addi- tional advantage that a user can control the output via a single inpainted image.

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

Toronto Intelligent Systems Lab Co-authors

Ashkan Mirzaei
Ashkan Mirzaei
PhD Student

My research interests include 3D Representation and Scene Manipulation. My current focus is to distill 2D knowledge into 3D.

Igor Gilitschenski
Igor Gilitschenski
Assistant Professor